Regular start times are as follows.

30.0km: 6:00am - Races Six and Seven only.
21.1km: Expected finish > 2hrs 15min: 6:30am - This option is not for runners who are faster than 2 hours 15 minutes.  It is not option for people to start early as “they have other things they need to do later in the day.”  You cannot win the race starting in this early group.  For example: If you run an 80 minute half marathon and start at 06:30am and you are quicker than all runners in the 07:00am group, you will not win.  Please do not abuse this early start or you will be disqualified. This is an option for slower runners so they are not on course by themselves.

Expected finish < 2hrs 15min: 7:00am
10km: 7:30 am
5km: 7:50 am
2km kids: 7:45 am


Make sure you are there with plenty of time to spare.  On race one you need at least 30 minutes before your race.  If you are registering/collecting your bib on the day you need even more time - pay close attention to the cut off times.